My name is René Sebastian Shabastari. I was born February 20th. I am a Psychology major with a Philosophy minor at California State University Northridge in Los Angeles. I changed majors after transferring to University as a Business Administration major. I feel I would enjoy a career in Psychology over the daily grind of a Business related career. I attended University of California Santa Barbara as a Computer Science major straight out of High School, but discovered that Computer Programming is not for me, I am still passionate about Computer Hardware and stay on top of Technology related news and build my own PCs and upgrade my system religiously. I very much enjoy gadgets and among my friends am always the person to ask about Hardware and / or Network expertise.
I enjoy being active and participating in all kinds of sports. My favorite sport is Basketball. My height exposed me to the sport and I have loved it since an early age. I still keep in contact with some of my early childhood friends and teammates and play at least twice weekly in Leagues and pick-up games with friends. I also enjoy nature, which is related to my active lifestyle. I go hiking with friends, and take trips to the beach. I like to swim in the ocean, in my pool at home or anywhere else.
I also love to travel. Having lived in different countries growing up I have family in Europe that I can stay with, alleviating a major burden of travel; hotels. I have family in Germany and Finland, while I live in Los Angeles after I moved here with my parents. I would travel a lot growing up and have visited Greece, Italy, UK, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, New York, and was fortunate enough to visit a good foreign-exchange-student friend of mine in Japan. Traveling is an amazing experience and I truly believe it has affected my view on life in a very positive way. When I travel I get to enjoy the nature those countries have to offer and I try to visit areas where I can be active and take in the culture.
Music is a big part of my life, and it has even influenced me to combine my passions to travel, experiencing special festivals catered to my favorite genre of music; Trance. I used to listen to hip hop when I first moved to Cali as a child. I was big into a rock phase during my school days here. There will always be a special place in my heart for 80’s and 90’s music, being a child of that era. However, once I discovered EDM [Electronic Dance Music] there was no turning back. I fell in love with Trance, especially because it is a very melodic and symphonic branch of EDM. Most people think of harsh and monotonous beats when they think of electronic music, and I myself actually dislike this style of EDM. Trance was pioneered in the Netherlands and I have taken many trips for the purpose of visiting a country while attending certain big time events. I have met amazing people during my trips, and the most generous and kind have been in the Netherlands. Amsterdam is an amazing city. It is beautiful, tolerant, progressive and has a great taste of music.
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